jewellers at work at Maandooge the residence of Majid's family
circa 1910
murderer being punished in Male circa 1920. This punishment
was called gan-hingun. The harnessed convict (second from left)
has a coconut frond tied to his waist and grotesque charcoal
designs painted on his body. He is being led through Male streets
in procession to an occasional drum beat. At each intersection
his crime was read out and he was flogged. Photographed by Majid's
grandfather from the Watch house of one of his his residences,
Maandooge 1920
festival day marked by a flag flown at one of the four civic
centres in Male called Maizan. Circa 1900. This was the red
flag of the realm shown at top right of this page.
Sultan going forth in state. The cavalry of musketers are followed
by the lancers and the band of drummers, pipers and trumpeters.
The Sultan and courtiers are at the back of the procession just
leaving the Court of Eterekoilu through the Sakkarannya Gate.
The watch house of the New Fort Bastion (Aa-kotte Buruzu) in
the background. Photographed by Majid's grandfather from the
watch house of one of his his residences, Uthuru Ganduvaru.
Sultan going forth in State. Just outside the Court of Eterekoilu,
having emerged through the Sakkarannya Gate on to Meduziyaarai
Magu. Photographed by Majid's grandfather from the watch house
of one of his his residences, Uthuru Ganduvaru circa 1920
member of the royal household staff with the rank of kakaa circa
from the waterfront to the Court of Eterekolilu. The entrance
ahead was the Medumaa Gate. Behind that the Naabuskhan where
the royal drummers, trumpeters and pipers were based. Below
the Naabuskhan is the Hittan Gate. The three storied building
on the left is Veyodorhu Ganduvaru Mathige later Sifainge. On
the right is the Watch House on the New Fort Bastion above which
the royal standard is flying. circa 1960.
of King Ali (circa 1960) off Male's Western foreshore. King
Ali VI was defeated and slain by the forces of the Christian
King Manoel, previously known as King Hassan IX (Majid's grandfather
14 times removed). The immensely unpopular King Ali was defeated
on 19 May AD 1558. He was buried where he fell dead.
Jetty Male
Ziyaaraiy in Male variously ascribed as the last resting place
of a Moorish Arab or Persian mullah who converted the Maldives
to Islam. Very likely occupant of the mausoleum is an Addu person
called Kalhaihaaru Dhoraaboo. circa 1970.
Mai Magu (now known as Majeedi Magu). The Macchangoli civic
centre is on the right at the second intersection ahead. The
intersecting street is Vaidheriyaa Magu now known as Chandani
Magu. circa 1960
Hittan Gate, entrance to the inner part of the Court of Eterekoilu,
residence of the Sultans taken from Medumaa Gate and looking
across the courtyard known as Gulhakuley Fasgandu. Above the
Gate is the Naabuskhana where the drummers, trumpeters and pipers
were based. On the right is the base of the New Fort Bastion
(Aa-kotte Buruzu). circa 1960
Didi and his alleged accomplices under arrest in Male, 1953.
They were from Huvadu Atoll and were convicted for conspiracy
to murder by black magic. Hakim Didi was executed by firing
squad. That was the last judicial execution in the Maldives.
There have been extra-judicial executions since then. Hakim
Didi is second from left.
short-lived republic of 1953 ended when the head of state Waliyyul
Amr for Life (First in Command) Athireegey Mohamed Amin
Dorhimeyna Kilegefan was removed from office while he was in
Colombo. The Waliyyul Amr returned on a British amphibian
aircraft and was arrested and detained in Doonidu Island. From
there he staged a comeback early in the morning of 21 August
1953 which was foiled. He was set upon by the Male citizenry
and brutally assaulted beyond belief, then tossed naked on to
a boat. The photograph shows this event in progress.