row (seated) from left: Prince Hassan Nooreddine Maandoogey
Manippulu (Majid's father's uncle and later Sultan Mohamed Imaduddine
VI) and Sultan Mohamed Mueenuddine Iskander II (Majid's father's
uncle and Majid's mother-in-law's paternal grandfather).
row (standing) from second on left: Noomaraa Ganduvaru Hassan
Faarhanaa Kileygefan, Egamugey Hassan Faamuladeyri Kilegefan,
Esjehi Ganduvaru Maafaiy Kileygefaanu, all titled nobles.
Second row (standing) from left: Roanugey Ibrahim Didi;
a courtier; Muleegey Dorhy Didi, first minister of the exchequer;
Handeygirigey Moosa Maniku, a courtier; Malingey Hassan Velaana
Manikfan, a minister and chief admiral; Dhandikorheegey Faamuladheyri
Thakurufan, a minister and commander of land forces; Henveirugey
Hassan Hakuraa Manikufan, a minister and rear admiral.
The parasols of a special design shown in the photo called
haiykolhu, also known as isfaalha, are the Maldive
equivalent of the Crown and are reserved for the sovereign and
the heirs apparent. |