is not merely the cradle of learning in the SuvadiveMaldiveMinicoy
Archipelago; it is the saddle of learning.
are some pages from the book that Ahmed [Dhoo(n)deyre Ahmed Didi]
the son of Mohamed [Don Maniku] the son of Chief Justice Ibrahim Majudhudheen
transcribed from
The book of ancient
Meedhoo history written by Al-Allamah
(Bodu Ahmed Naib Thakurufaan).
page from the Dhoo(n)deyre

Pages 1 and 2:
Yoosuf Gadir
and his family arrived in Meedhoo on the 17 Ramadan, 519 A.H. [October
1125]. They stayed in the houses of Elhai Haaru Dhoraaboo and Kalhai
Haaru. At that time the island was Buddhist.
Dhoraaboo, the headman of the house where the Gadir family was staying,
had travelled to the countries of the world and knew the Arabic
and Farsi languages.
He had also become a Moslem at the hands of Al-Hafiz Amir the son
of Yasir Al-Namrizi of Nimrooz of Persia, although he kept this
From discussions with Dhoraaboo , Yoosuf heard that in the capital
Malé a virgin was being sacrificed to the Ocean Goddess, Rannamakaaru
Devi, on the fifteenth night of the lunar month.
Allah,' Yoosuf exclaimed, 'what a crime! But before we go there,
we must begin our work here, where we are now. When the people of
this island have been enlightened, then we will go to the other
Yoosuf's work
led to the conversion of Chandu Haaru, the son of the island's Buddhist
priest, Kalhai Haaru. Chandu Haaru joined Yoosuf's campaign and
decided to smash the statues in the temple during the month of Rajab.
The people of the island were angry and complained, but Kalhai Haaru
kept things under control because his son had led the attack.
The Kalhai
Haaru family were originally from India:
Kadu Kumar a man from Pataliputra in India married a Meedhoo woman
called Kaman Haaru who was a high level member of the Buddhist religion.
Their children were:
Elhai Haaru
- Kalhai
- Kudai
Elhai Haaru's
child was Dhoraaboo, who married Kudai Haaru's Neele Haaru. Their
daughter was Rehendhi Haaru.
Kalhai Haaru's children were:
- Chandu
Haaru, who married Kudai Haaru's Tuttu Haaru.
- Tuttu Haaru,
who married Salim son of Shuraid es-Salimi, the younger brother
of Nuseibah, the wife of Yoosuf Gadir ul-Yamani. (Descendants
of this couple still exist, but cannot be clearly traced now).
- Mathoo Haaru,
who married Kudai Haaru's Maali Haaru.
Kudai Haaru's
children were:
- Tuttu Haaru
- Maali Haaru
- Neele Haaru
All these
people converted to Islam except Elhai Haaru, Kaman Haaru, and Kadu
Kumaru, who died before the conversion campaign.
However, two days after the statues were smashed, on the 27 Rajab
521 A.H. [August 1127 A.D.], Kalhai Haaru embraced Islam.
Because Dhoraaboo
was the translator of the conversion arguments of Yoosuf Gadir,
he was given the title of Abu-el-Lisan.
At that time the name he was using before referred to the name of
town of the person who had originally converted him to Islam, Yoosuf
Time went by, and in 538 A.H. [1143/44 A.D.] Nuseibah passed away.
In 539 the two Yoosufs set out for Malé and other places.
During this journey Yoosuf el-Namrizi (Dhoraaboo) died, and Yoosuf
Gadir returned during Ramadan, 561 A.H. [July, 1166 A.D.]. He passed
away on the night of 9th Zulhajja.
As the islands embraced Islam; Gan was the last island in Addu atoll
to be converted. It was accomplished by Yoosuf Naib. This saint's
birth was in 640 A.H. [1242/43 A.D.], and his son Hassan's birth
was in 680 A.H. [1281/82 A.D.]. It is stated that this Hassan came
from the continent in 711 A.H [1311/12 A.D.]. Yoosuf Naib died in
715 A.H. [1315/16 A.D.].
Al-Muhadhdhis Hassan's son by a Yemeni woman was Eesa Fan'diyaaru
who came to the Maldives ten years after this. This man became the
government judge. It is known his grandfather, Yoosuf Naib, had
also been to Arabia to study. Al-Sheikh Al-Hafiz Al-Muhaddhis Al-Khatheeb
Hassan had also studied in Mecca and Medina, in Sanaa, and in Syria.
From this family came the judges of Maldives.
Al-Sheikh Al-Gazi Mohamed Al Muballiu had learned astronomy, the
science of primogeniture, and Arabic from his learned mother and
learned men from her family, and later studied Shafi doctrine from
the learned man who lived in Vaadhoo. During this time Al-Sheikh
Mohamed taught Arabic to the learned man's other pupils.
Al-Sheikh Mohamed compiled a separate book on each aspect of Islam.
Among his sons, Al-Gazi Hussein and Allamah Mohamed also compiled
books. Allamah Ahmed wrote 20 books on medicine, navigation, astrology,
the science of primogeniture, and knowledge of antiquity.
A well-known book was The book of ancient Meedhoo
history. This book described the genealogy of Yoosuf Gadir
Al-Fageehu Al-Hafiz Yoosuf Gadir Al-Sanaani Al-Yemeni (e-uge zaujaage)
Nuseibah's younger brother Al-Shuraid Al-Suleimi, his son Suleiman
Gadir married Rehendhi Haaru, who was the daughter of Elhe Haaru
Dhoraaboo, later known as Abu-Al Lisaan, and their children were:
inscribed in Arabic: Addu Meedhoo
1. Hamdhoon
2. Mahumoodh Gadir
3. Hameedh Gadir
4. Gadiree Kamana
5. Mohamed Gadir, later known as Sooru Gadir
Hamdhoon Gadir's
children were:
1. Suleiman
Gadir, whose children were:
a. Zaidh Gadir (died without children)
b. Ali Gadir (died without
2. Yoosuf Gadir (died without children)
3. Mahumoodh Gadir, whose child was:
a. Zaidh Naib
Gadir the son of Suleiman Gadir's child was:
Moosa Gadir (died without children)
Hameedh Gadir's children's names and number were unreadable in the
Gadiree Kamana married Dhon Hauru Kaleyge and their child was:
Hamdhan Gadir, whose children were:
a. Eesa Naib
b. Mohamed Naib
c. Yoonus Naib
Mohamed (Sooru) Gadir, whose children were:
1. a daughter
(died at a young age)
2. a daughter (died at a young age)
3. a daughter (died at a young age)
4. Ilyas Gadir, who went to Yemen, married, and has descendents
5. Yooshau Gadir, who died without children in the Hithadhoo battle.
6. Yoonus Gadir, or Gadiree Kaleygefaan, who died in Maradhoo
with no children.
7. Eesa Gadir, whose children were:
a. a daughter (descendents exist)
b. a daughter (descendents exist)
c. a daughter (descendents exist)
d. Yoonus Gadir, who died in Mulaku,
no children.
e. Ismail Gadir, who died in Gan.
f. Yoosuf Gadir, later known as
Al-Fageehu Al-Hafiz Yoosuf Naib.
Since Yoosuf
Naib's two daughters and seven sons have already been written about,
it is not repeated here. Though Al-Sheikh Mohamed's correct paternal
lineage was not connected to Yoosuf Gadir, his correct maternal
line indeed was. The learned author of later times, who was our
great-grandfather, his correct paternal lineage connects with Al-Hafiz
Zakariya Khatheeb the son of Al-Muhadhdhis Hassan. That was As..................
Pages 3 and 4
Old lady: Addu Meedhoo
He came to
Meedhoo and married a daughter of his father's cousin. It is not
known if they had any children. He had a son called Eesa Thakuru
with the wife from his birthplace, and this Eesa was also called
Administrator Thakuru. According to the writer's father, he was
only 15 or 16 years old when he went to Hithadhoo. Though it is
known that the government gave this Eesa the administrator's position
when he was very young, it is not known at exactly what age.
According to the writer's older brother, Eesa's son Kuda Ali was
conceived with his wife from the house called Rasgedhari. And according
to father, that Meedhoo wife's son was the son called Ali Thakkan.
Among the possessions of Eesa Thakuru were teak timber and kandhu
softwood and other things. He built a mosque of teak wood between
the two islands. Later the timber from this mosque was taken to
the Big Mosque, says Hussein Bey from this island, as related by
Ismail Beybe.
In Eesa Thakuru's title deed for the mosque, his family's descendency
was written this way:
Suleiman (who
came from Arabia) Gadir's son was Sooru Gadir.
Sooru Gadir's son was Eesa Gadir.
Eesa Gadir's son was Yoosuf Gadir, later known as Al-Fageehu Al-Hafiz
Yoosuf Naib.
Al-Fageehu Al-Hafiz Yoosuf Naib's son was Dhon Hassan Katheeb.
Dhon Hassan Katheeb's son was Idhurees Khatheeb.
Idhurees Khatheeb's son was Al-Hafiz Safwan Khatheeb.
Al-Hafiz Safwan Khatheeb's son was Sidhi Ahmed Naib Kaleyge.
Sidhi Ahmed Naib Kaleyge's son was Mohamed Adafi Kaleyge.
Mohamed Adafi Kaleyge's son was Keherithai Ahmed Naib Kaleyge.
Keherithai Ahmed Naib Kaleyge's son was Dhon Sidhi Kaleyge.
Dhon Sidhi Kaleyge's son (with the woman Zauja from Bodubee house)
was Bodubeege Dharu Mohammaa Thakuru.
Bodubeege Dharu Mohammaa Thakuru's son was Ali Bodu Bandaara Thakurufaan.
Ali Bodu Bandaara Thakurufaan's son was Eesa Thakuru.
In this island
and the two islands these two families are known. In the primogeniture
book written by the writer's father, the family can be traced clearly.
The book the writer wrote, called Al Meeras,
this has been transcribed in the same way.
In the book written by the writer's father, he transcribed from
the document written by Moosa Fulhu:
'This document says Eesa Thakuru, (the son of Al-Sheikh Al-Hafiz
Ali Bodu Bandaara Thakurufaan the son of Beege Dhari Mohamed Thakuru
the son of Al-Hafiz Dhon Mahamood Sayyid Kaleyge son of al-Naib
Kahrathee Ahmed Kaleyge son of al-Naib Mohamed Adafi Kaleyge son
of al-Naib Ahmed Sayyid Kaleyge son of al-Hafid Safwan son of al-Hafid
Idris son of al-Shaikh al-Hafid al-Muhaddith al-Khateeb Hassan son
of al-Faqih al-Hafid Yoosuf Naib son of Eesa Gadir son of Soor Gadir
son of Suleiman Gadir son of al-Faqih Yusuf Gadir of Yemen), from
this Eesa Thakuru's possessions of gold and silver, Ali Thakkan
will donate half the teak timber needed for maintenance of the mosque
between the two islands.'
by Vasho Randhiyage Moosa Fulhu in 1145 A.H. [1732/33 A.D.]
that the keeping of genealogy was an important thing, the first
person to begin assembling it was Dhon Hassan Khatheeb the son of
Al-Naib Yoosuf. After that, as a result of his wishes expressed
to his relatives, the record has been kept by the high-ranking people
of Meedhoo until the present day.
The writer's father said that according to the writer's grandfather
a person who does not keep his genealogy, will commit crimes without
hesitation. A time when genealogy will be considered nothing is
getting nearer. It is among the signs of the end of the world that
people will dismiss their ancestry and womb relations, and turn
away from mothers' faces. Also they will be looking at their neighbours
with scowling expressions.
veiled in the Islamic style and a future intellectual: Addu
The science of primogeniture will disappear completely and the wealthy
will receive the alms. The rights of the poor will be violated,
and wife and sons will receive equal shares of the husband's wealth.
These are warnings that have come from grandfathers to our fathers.
Some of these things we can see now with our own eyes!
The writer's father used to say the writer's grandfather said that
when the end of time arrives, genealogical connections would have
collapsed. Sons won't know who their mothers are, and will even
marry them. Each couple will have an odi, and each house will have
a shop. When the sun begins to rise in the west the people will
be pre-occupied with trading. No one will have any idea about the
attributes of the Almighty. Promiscuity will spill out onto the
roads, and people will commit adultery in the streets. Islam will
be practised only in name and the Word of Allah will be locked up
in the big box. While human beings are in this condition Almighty
God will reveal the Enlightened One.
The Dajjal
will also appear during this period. Humans will be saved from the
evilness of the Dajjal by Jesus, son of Mary. This is all found
clearly written in the Hadith, which are sayings, acts and signs
of the holy master.
After reading the Word of Allah, the Traditions of the Prophet should
also be studied.
Even though we write and publish books, very few people read or
think about them. This is the reason that the thirteen books written
by the writer's great-grandfather and the three books written by
the writer's grandfather were used as firewood for stir-cooked jaggery.
It is the reason why the books and documents of Ismail Beybe were
not there for Beybe later on. But give thanks that even now there
are people who like books and protect them on this island.
The writer's father's Ali Didi is a learned person who has memorised
the Koran, even though he doesn't write books. He preserves and
transcribes them. He transcribed Elhegey Thuttu Didi's eye medicine
book and sent it recently. If there's still time left in me I intend
to write a book on the details of Judgement Day.
A.H. [1910
Ahmed the son of Mohamed the son of the Chief Justice Ibrahim Majudhudheen
into English from Divehi by Fareesha Abdulla and Michael O'Shea
in Australia, in consultation with Majid. Manuscript supplied by
also Meedhoo Photo Album