society does not permit polygamy, like the Giraavaru people
of the Maldives who are now extinct. Strict monogamy is enforced.
Arranged marriages are not the rule but do occur in some families.
Pallisseri athiri (village) is well known for courting and romance.
in the Maldives, non-arranged marriages are the rule rather
than the exception.
major part of the expenses relating to marraige is born by the
bridegroom. Marriage ceremonies are quite simple. A few days
before the wedding, the bridegroom's friends go to the bride's
house to prepare the nuptial room. Much flirtation between them
and the bride's friends take place. When this is over, the bridegroom's
friends are noisily chased out of the house and no one escapes
a good drenching in water.
Kateeb of Minicoy officiates at the wedding. The aristocracy
and the upper middle classes have the marriage ceremony performed
at the bride's house, with the Kateeb in attendance. Lower class
weddings take place at the Kateeb's office.
is no stigma attached to divorce and remarriage.