5 January 2006
"The Governor-General
in the Realm of New Zealand requests in the Name of Her Majesty
The Queen all whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass
without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all
lawful assistance and protection" |
From January 1st, children born in
New Zealand to foreign nationals are no longer New Zealand
citizens by virtue of birth. Up until now, New Zealand citizenship
is acquired by children born in this country, irrespective of the
nationality of their parents. The new provisions are defined in
section 6(1)b of the Citizenship Act 1977 as amended by the Citizenship
Amendment Act 2005.
Now, a person cannot travel to New Zealand on a temporary permit
solely to give birth and gain New Zealand citizenship for the
purpose of misusing this country’s social, economic and welfare
benefits. By restricting citizenship by birth, the citizenship laws
now ensure that citizenship and its benefits are limited to people
who have a genuine and ongoing link to New Zealand.
Maldivians visiting New Zealand for education and other purposes
have long misused their entry permits by willfully abusing this
country's citizenship laws. New Zealand citizens have virtually
the same rights as Australian citizens while in Australia. New Zealand
citizens are entitled to a New Zealand passport, New Zealand
and Australian taxpayer-funded education, health and superannuation
facilities, investment rights, visa-free entry to other developed
countries and the right to elect and be elected to public office.
There are instances where many Maldivians have planned pregnancies
in order to have a baby born, with the deliberate intention of taking
advantage of the privileges of New Zealand citizenship and
Australian residency. Over the past 14 years, members of influential
Maldive families have regularly planned pregnancies with the specific
intention of abusing citizenship laws. On more than one occasion
this writer has fielded queries from Maldivians who wanted to find
out what the specific citizenship benefits are of having a child
born in this country to foreign parents. In one case when the woman
miscarried shortly before arriving here, her influential family
in the Maldives postponed her scholarship until she became pregnant
again. Maldivians are understood to be one of the worst nationalities
in terms of misusing the New Zealand citizenship laws.
The use of tax-payer-funded services creates a social contract between
the state and the beneficiaries of those services. Australian and
New Zealand parents who wish or plan to obtain social, economic
or welfare benefits for their children contribute to the state revenue
by paying taxes. However, many Maldive nationals who have had babies
born in New Zealand with the specific intention of exploiting
New Zealand and Australian social, economic and welfare services
have routinely exploited public facilities to the maximum while
in this country without contributing to state revenue. Although
they could easily afford to pay for neonatal care more than the
average New Zealander, no one has ever attempted to establish
good faith by paying for these.
Leading up to the change in legislation, New Zealand members
of parliament and ministers have been aware for some years, of the
abuse of this country's citizenship privileges by unscrupulous Maldivians.
While taking such dubious advantage of this country’s taxpayers,
many parents of New Zealand-born Maldive children have invariably
failed to disclose their significant incomes in the Maldives to
the New Zealand Department of Inland Revenue (IRD), as required
by the Income Tax Act 2004. In some cases these undisclosed incomes
exceed those of the average to above-average New Zealander
and certainly those of fellow students in the institutions where
these people are studying.
The Income Tax Act 2004 and its preceding enactments oblige New Zealand
tax residents to pay income tax on their global income. That includes
overseas rental income and other income derived from offshore investments.
Those who do not pay tax may be liable for tax evasion which is
a prosecutable offence that carries criminal penalties under the
Tax Administration Act 1994. The penalties for tax evasion are imprisonment
for a term not exceeding five years, or a fine not exceeding $50,000
or both.
To be regarded as a tax resident, one does not have to be either
a citizen or a permanent resident of New Zealand or Australia.
More often that not, those on a temporary entry permit are also
regarded as tax residents. Depending on the circumstance, those
who are here for as briefly as a day may also become liable to pay
income tax. Occasionally, those not physically in Australia or New Zealand
may also be regarded as tax residents within these jurisdictions.
Amending the Citizenship Act addresses a fiscal anomaly as much
as it effectively secures New Zealand an Australian borders
against potential infiltration by undesirable aliens.
There is also the moral, if not legal, issue of reciprocity. While
Maldivians are keen to acquire residency and citizenship in New Zealand,
Australia and other Western democracies, they close ranks when it
comes to the issue of granting Maldive citizenship or residency
rights to people from these countries. All manner of draconian rules
are applied including the denial of internationally recognised human
rights to New Zealand and Australian citizens in the Maldives.
When Maldive-born New Zealand citizens or their New Zealand-born
children travel to the Maldives on their New Zealand passports,
the Maldive authorities detain and confiscate the New Zealand
passport even though it clearly states that it is the property of
the New Zealand Government. Where New Zealand and other
citizens with a Maldive background can establish by their attire
or attitude that they could be useful for the cause of jihad,
their passports may not be confiscated. The Maldive authorities,
by confiscating a New Zealand passport and harassing a New Zealand
passport-holder, disregards The Governor-General’s formal
request in the Name of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II to allow
the holder of a New Zealand passport to pass without delay
or hindrance.
Further, New Zealand, Australian and other Western nationals
who marry Maldive citizens can never expect to be granted Maldive
citizenship or civic rights. Nevertheless as a condition of marriage,
non-Maldive men are made to convert to Islam and have their names
changed on their non-Maldive passports. Such conversions are demanded
by Maldive law and routinely enforced even while the potential spouse
is in their home country. The social implications that this may
have in their home country and family together with the sovereign
right of their home country over its territory are callously disregarded
by the arrogant Maldive legal system based on the Sharia
or Mohamedan law. Requiring nationals of other states either within
or outside the territory of the Maldives to convert to Islam is
a violation of Articles 18(1) and 23(4) of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights.
On one occasion, the European husband of a Maldive woman was not
only obliged to convert to Islam but was forced to undergo circumcision.
The operation resulted in surgical misadventure and the marriage
ended in divorce. The man has no recourse to compensation and is
psychologically and physically scarred for life. The woman is the
daughter of a powerful mullah.
While taking all the advantages of New Zealand citizenship
for their New Zealand-born child, including taxpayer-funded
neonatal care and acquiring a passport, Maldive parents subject
their child to Maldive laws while they are still in New Zealand
by giving in to the demands of the mullahs in the Maldive Supreme
Council for Islamic Affairs. This organ of the Maldive government,
insists on exercising its authority over the children of Maldive
nationals living outside their legitimate territorial jurisdiction
by imposing a name that is acceptable to them. They routinely veto
both native Maldive and New Zealand names and insist on what
they believe to be an Islamic name. As proxies of Arab colonialism,
Maldive mullahs have an agenda to wipe out all traces of the once-proud
Maldive heritage and to impose the culture of 7th century
The extension of extra-territorial jurisdiction by an organ of the
Maldive government over a New Zealand citizen in New Zealand
is illegal under international law. By insisting on dictating a
name for a New Zealand citizen who has not been born in the
Maldives, the Maldive authorities are contravening Article 7(1)
of the Convention on the Rights of the Child which the Republic
of the Maldives ratified on 13 March 1991.
The Irish Republic was the last European
Union country to amend its laws to prevent the abuse of the
privileges of citizenship. In July 2005, the Irish voted by
a whopping majority of 80% to prevent unwelcome aliens from
gaining European citizenship by giving birth in Irish soil.
Most Maldive nationals who
have taken undue advantage of New Zealand and Australian citizenship
have done so for either financial or ideological gain. The potential
financial gains have been outlined earlier in this article. The
ideological gain is realised by becoming part of the vanguard of
an alien ideology.
That these people have no desire to establish a genuine and ongoing
link to New Zealand is evidenced by their reluctance to use
New Zealand passports when entering the Maldives or travelling
to certain third countries. New Zealand, Australian, Canadian
and British citizens with a Maldive background are not encouraged
to use their non-Maldive passports for travelling to the Maldives
because the Maldive ruling mullahs do not wish to acknowledge the
fact that ethnic Maldivians are declaring full allegiance to a Christian
Sovereign who is ex-officio the Supreme Governor of the
Church of England.
The ruling Maldive mullahs take the Sharia position that
by swearing an oath of allegiance to a Christian Sovereign, a Mohamedan
effectively revokes his or her Mohamedan faith. The Koran
warns Mohamedans against revoking allegiance to Allah and Mohamed
and by implication, Mohamed's successors. Surah el-Fat-h
(Koran 48:10) states that:
those who pledge allegiance to you (Mohamed), are pledging
allegiance to Allah. Allah approves their pledge; He places
his hand above their hands. Those who violate such a pledge,
commit the violation to their own detriment. As for those
who fulfill their pledge with Allah, he will grant them
a great recompense.

passage in the Koran was quoted in 1887 by the Maldive
Chief Justice Naibu Tuttu to advise the King Mohamed Mueenuddine
II Iskander against accepting British suzerainty over the Maldives.
Tuttu felt that owing allegiance to the "infidel" Queen
Victoria amounted to revoking allegiance to Allah. The issue was
resolved when it was pointed out that the King was accepting British
protection rather than becoming a British subject. Swearing an oath
of allegiance to Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors,
on the other hand, provides no such escape route from the full fury
of the Koranic passage.
For this reason, most Maldivians who have taken up New Zealand,
Australian, Canadian or British citizenship on behalf of their children
or on their own behalf wish to conceal this status and live in self-denial.
They demonstrate their duplicity by enjoying the full freedoms and
privileges of New Zealand, Australian, Canadian or British
citizenship while at the same time keeping their citizenship status
a closely guarded secret in the Maldives.
The change in citizenship laws effectively addresses some of the
issues discussed in this article. It is a duty of every New Zealand
and Australian citizen to monitor any abuse of the social, economic
and welfare systems of New Zealand and Australia. |