and Devvadu mausoleums in the royal enclosure of Malè
Hukuru Miskit |
House of Diyamigily is Majid's maternal line and Antu's paternal
great-grandfather's maternal line. Diyamigili is an island in Huvadu
Atoll, the ancestral home of the first Diyamigily sultan's father.
The events preceding the first Diyamigily reigns are of interest
and are summarised below. It is quite possible that the consorts
of the early Diyamigily royal ladies were descended from the previous
short-lived royal House of Isdu. There is no documented evidence
to establish this as yet.
of the possible drowning of Isdu King Siri Muthei Ranmani Loka (Sultan
Ibrahim Mudhiruddine after abdication, known as Isdu Ibrahim Bodu
Kilegefan), while returning from the Hajj pilgrimage reached Malé
in 1704. His wife and regent Princess Fatima attempted to usurp
the throne in her own right. Her rival and brother-in-law, Admiral-in-chief
Hussain was banished to Naifaru.
was however displaced from the Eterekoilu (the residence
of the Sultans) by the Prime Minister Mohamed Faamuladeyri Thakurufan
on 2 June 1704. The Prime Minister was the son of Ibrahim
Dorhimeyna Thakurufan of Diyamigili in Kolumadulu Atoll and Aminah
Dio. As monarch he assumed the name of King
Siri Kula Sundhura Siyaaka Sasthura
(Sultan Mudzhaffar
Mohamed Imaduddine II).
it turned out, having survived an epidemic of smallpox Isdu Ibrahim
Bodu Kilegefan and his young cousin and predecessor, ex-King Hassan X
survived the storm at sea and their battered vessel was driven near
the port of Surat on the Western coast of India.
repeatedly set out in unfavourable conditions against the advice
of the likes of Suleiman Pasha, the Ottoman governor of Jeddah and
Sheikh Saleh el-Hariri, the emir of Mocha. After much hardship,
privation and hunger, the pair found their way back to the Maldives.
At landfall in Manadoo they heard about the coup d'état and
sailed south, hoping to land in Malé secretly. Isdu Ibrahim
was captured and incarcerated in chains in Fua Mulak from where
he escaped and fled to Galle in Ceylon.
young cousin, ex-Sultan Hassan X was banished to Hithadu in Addu
Atoll. His descendants are still mainly in Addu Atoll. Ex-Chief
Justice and Chronicler Hassan Tajuddine, who returned with them
from Hajj was sent to his native Gan in Haddummati Atoll. He was
recalled after only a few weeks and restored to the position of
Chief Justice.
Galle, Isdu Ibrahim travelled in a Dutch vessel to Chennai-Pattam
(Madras) on the eastern coast of India where he acquired arms and
a company of troops from the commandant of the English East India
Company for a consideration of one hundred thousand rupees. The
Tarikh is silent on how he acquired such an enormous sum
of money. When news of this reached Malé Mudzhaffar Mohamed
Imaduddine became very nervous.
dispatched a native of Minicoy called Haji Thakuru to Chennai-Pattam
in order to abduct Isdu Ibrahim. Haji Thakuru met Kuñhi Mohamed
son of the Ali Raja of Cannanore at sea and the latter offered to
help with the abduction. In Chennai-Pattam, the pair wormed their
way into Isdu Ibrahim's confidence and abducted him to Tenagai-Pattam
in the Ali Raja's dominions. Kuñhi Mohamed sent word to Malé,
asking for a ransom of ninety gold mohori coins for the extradition
of Isdu Ibrahim. While the ransom was on its way, Isdu Ibrahim escaped
and found his way on foot to the port of Mohamed-Bandar.
there he travelled to Hughli (Calcutta) in the Mogul Empire where
the Mogul governor Ziauddine referred him to Farrukhshiyar, the
viceroy of Bengal. With Farrukhshiyar's help, he attempted to recapture
Malé unsuccessfully several times. Isdu Ibrahim Mudhiruddine
Bodu Kilegefan must have been a determined, persuasive and colourful
fellow indeed. It is with much pity I must declare that I still
have not found a way of claiming descent from this chap. He did
leave a son in Malé.
first half of the reign of Diyamigily King
Siri Kula Sundhura Siyaaka Sasthura
Mohamed Imaduddine II) was fraught with anguish caused by actual
or imagined threats from Isdu Ibrahim at large. Having consolidated
his reign, Diyamigily King
Siri Kula Sundhura Siyaaka Sasthura
ruled for over 13 years.
events related to the final reigns of the House of Diyamigily are
outlined elsewhere in
this site
Arias Didi
(born 16
July 2002 in Nelson New Zealand)
Majid Abdul-Wahhab
(& Aminath
(& Majid
Mohamed Maandoogey
also known as Abdul
Wahhab) |
Aysha Didi
Bodufenvalhugey Seedi) |
Bodufenvalhugey Seedi
(& Bodugalugey Aysha Didi)
Aysha Didi
(& Kakaagey Hussain Didi)
Ismail Didi
(& Serikkal Don Manika
daughter of Landran Awgoathi Mohamed Bodu Thakurufan of Minicoy)
(& Bodugalugey Latuttu
Didi son of Maavaaganduvaru Medu Didi daughter of Maavaa Ganduvaru
Hussain Didi) |
Mohamed el-Hussaini Kuda Seedi
(& Bodufenvalugey
Don Manike daughter of Chief Justice Ibrahim Majduddine
of Midu in Addu Atoll and Kuda Edurugey Aminah Kambaadi Kilegefan)
Kateeb Manikfan |
Ganduvaru La Didi
(& Kateeb Ibrahim el-Hussaini Dorhy Kaleygefan son of
Sayyid Mohamed el-Hussaini and Aminah Fan daughter of Mohamed
Thakurufan, kateeb and chief magistrate of Maradoo in Addu
Atoll. Sayyid Mohamed el-Hussaini was the son of Sayyid Moosa
el-Hussaini of BaAlawi clan in Hadramout in Yemen)
Kateeb Manikfan |
Ganduvaru Hussain Didi
Justice Mohamed Muhibbuddine |
Ganduvaru Maryam Didi
Daharaa Mohamed Manikfan) |
Justice Ibrahim Sirajeddine
30 June 1736
(& Sikka Velaanaa Manikfan)
Rani Kilegefan
(& Kateeb Ahmed Mohyeddine son of the Chronicler and Chief
Justice Hassan Tajuddine son of Mahamoud of Gan in Haddummati
Atoll) |
Siri Rannava Loka
Ibrahim Iskander II)
7 May 1708 and reigned 1721 - 1750
(& Aysha daughter of Hassan Hakuraa Thakurufan of Thakandu)
Siri Kula Sundhura Siyaaka Sasthura
Mudzhaffar Mohamed Imaduddine II)
1708 - 172
(& Aminah Kambaadi Kilege. Her mother was Maryam, daughter
of Fenfurhy Kurahaa Hassan Kateeb and widow of Uteem Sultan
Mohamed Mohyeddine the Just. Her father was Goidoo Ali Dorhimeyna
Dorhimeyna Thakurufan
Diyamigili in Kolumadulu Atoll
(& Aminah Dio)