Transfer of Political Power
in the USA
Composed on 29 January 1989 following
the Inauguration of George Bush Sr as President of the United States
Power unchecked in one hand
Leads to corruption in any
When authority absolute
is one’s plan,
It has caused the fall of
many a man.
Caesars and Napoleons are
not for the modern man,
Nor benevolent dictators,
who are often vain.
Unrestricted power could
turn a man into a ruthless Hun,
Even if he be an Abraham
Power intoxicates the best
of men,
And it’s the dream of the
worst of them
The days of the autocrat
are numbered on this Earth,
Since the ways of the democrat
have been bitter since their birth.
One man is never the property
of another,
Nor a nation belongs to
a particular family or its member.
The power that governs a
land comes from its people,
And the notion of its changing
hands is basic and simple.
Political power the springs
from the barrel of a gun
Benefits no one in the long
One leader need not replace
another by means of a blood bath,
But by the rule of law,
and with a pure heart.
America that regularly transfers
leadership by peaceful means
Proves its greatness without
blowing others into smithereens.
annotation: Abdul Rasheed told
me that this poem has a double meaning and has little to do with
the United States or President Bush Sr