How else does one decide on a partner to marry? Perhaps Mr
Ismail has landed himself with someone to whom he is not attracted
and is just testing if others are like that!
Once a companion of the Prophet Mohamed told him that he
was going to get married. The Prophet asked if he had seen
her. When the man said no, he said:
"Idh-hab fandhur ilaihaa fa innahu ahraa an yu'dama bainakum."
"Go and look at her for it is more likely to engender love
between the two of you."
Mr Ismail simply has to study this and other Hadith
to understand how important it is to be attracted to a woman
before marriage.
"Tazawwajoo al-abkaara fa innahunna a'dhabu afwaahan wa
antaqu arhaaman wa ardhaa bil-yaseeri."
"Marry virgins for they have sweeter mouths, more productive
wombs and are more pleased with less.".
Other narrations indicate that an attractive virgin is more
likely to be pleased by a man and less likely to be devious
and deceiving. Once, when Jaabir married an older and previously
married woman, the Prophet said to him:
"Halaa bikran tulaai'buhaa wa tulaa'ibuka."
"Why not a virgin? You could have played with her and she
with you."