opinion and others linked here are contributed by a group
of Maldivians who call themselves the Society
for the Promotion of Human Rights in Maldives.
This web site and its editor
do not have any input into these opinions or the Society
for the Promotion of Human Rights in Maldives, other
than providing a forum, as required by Law. This opinion
is published within the context of Section 14 of the New Zealand
Bill of Rights Act 1990. We
do not publish material from those who do not provide sufficient
personal information to enable us to establish their identity.
The official
abhorrence of Christianity in the Maldives
following was the crest adopted in 1970 for the Maldive
state-run English-medium boys' school in Malé,
called Majeediya School.

1983 mullahs pronounced that one of the calligraphic brush
strokes in the letter M represented a crucifix and claimed
that it was part of a grand design to Christianize the
Maldives. The offending brush stroke was promptly removed
and the crest now looks like this:

to Allah, Islam is now more secure because of
a missing brush stroke!
The hatred for Christianity promoted by the government in Maldives
is so extreme that it has probably no equal in any other nation
in the world.
In December 1989 the foreign owner of a European restaurant
in Malé got the fright of his life when a member of the
Maldive paramilitary police (NSS) stomped into his premises wearing
combat fatigues and carrying a submachine gun. Then he stared
in amazement as the scowling soldier not only ordered him to throw
away the Christmas tree he had set up, but even brutally destroyed
it and dumped it in the dustbin right there, before his very eyes.
This is something that not even the most hardened Palestinian
terrorists would do.
Many Maldivians are unaware that their country is so extreme
and radical; they think all Muslim countries are like this. Few
Maldivians know that Christmas is celebrated in Palestine. Although
Christians are a minority there, Palestinians know how to show
respect to Christian symbols, and it is a well known fact that
some members of the Al-Fatah organization are Palestinians of
Christian background.
Even in hard-line Saudi Arabia, Christian Arabs can find a job,
but not in Maldives. An Egyptian psychologist who applied for
a job in the Maldives in 1996 was denied a visa as soon as the
Government realized that he belonged to the Coptic Christian minority.
All the viciousness of the Maldive authorities is directed towards
the extermination of anything Christian in the country. One of
President Gayoom’s most reactionary traits, and one which
is incompatible with running a modern country with an economy
based on mainly European tourism, has been his paranoid obsession
against Christianity. The consequence of Gayoom’s hysterical
stance is that the Maldive establishment has made the word ‘Christian’
synonymous with something terrible. And the opposition MDP politicians,
instead of correcting course towards democracy and human rights,
have taken Gayoom's extreme anti-Christian paranoia, and developed
it to even more preposterous levels.
UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, an Egyptian
Christian. His Christian ancestors had lived in Egypt since
before the Islamic occupation. |
It is common to see Maldive politicians accusing each other mutually
of being a ‘Christian’ in the media. The Maldive Government
routinely blames the members of the opposition MDP of being ‘Christian
agents’ and the MDP in turn (conveniently in articles which
are printed only in the Maldive language for the benefit of the
locals), accuses Gayoom of being a ‘Christian Missionary’
because during his tenure it was ‘discovered’ that
some people running a foreign clinic in Malé were Christians
(note that even in Yemen there are Christian missionary hospitals,
but they have not been closed by the government, unlike in Maldives,
where in 1998 after a brutal police operation the Christian hospital
was closed and all foreign staff expelled). This charade can reach
grotesque proportions when it comes to cartoons portraying President
Gayoom with crosses, or digitally manipulated pictures of opposition
figures wearing a crucifix.
The fact that both the Maldive government and its opposition
like to indulge in playing clown, using the word ‘Christian’
as an insult, could be dismissed as a joke if it were not a symptom
of a much deeper malaise. The terrible truth is that we, as Maldivians
lack the elemental human right of choosing our own spirituality.

A caricature intended to mock the Maldive political party
of the ruling Egyptian-indoctrinated mullah and president
of the republic Genaral Maumoon Gayoom. The accompanying
Divehi language caption accused the party of attempting
to destroy Islam, a common accusation of Taliban-type Muslims
against other Islamic mullahs. This appeared in the cartoon
section of Dhivehi
Observer, a British based electronic tabloid run
by a leading member of the opposition Maldivian Democratic
Party (MDP). The caricature depicts a Christian church |
Palestinian Christian from the West Bank town of Aboud.
This man will be denied a visa to enter the Maldives for
"defiling Islamic Palestine". His ancestors had
lived in Aboud since before the first Islamic seizure and
occupation of Palestine. |
We are fooled by the government and the mullahs into believing
that it is an honor to be a 100% Muslim country, but the reality
is that we are being treated like animals, like cows who are branded
with a hot iron by their owner. Instead of being given a choice
about what we want to believe, we let the government make the
most intimate personal choices that we should have been allowed
to be made on our own, if the Maldive authorities would have acknowledged
that we have any dignity and self-respect left in ourselves.
And as if this was not enough, after allowing our government
to decide that we are Muslims, we are subjected to Islamic propaganda
all our lives. School classes, radio, TV, books, magazines, Quran
reading contests, conferences with foreign mullahs in Ramadan,
keep flooding us with Islamic ideology from cradle to grave. The
government makes sure that we have only access to Islamic religious
material and keeps away from us any other religious books, especially
Christian ones with special ruthlessness and determination.
The only Maldive Christian radio programme has been hated by
the government with exceptional ferociousness since it started
. We are not sure, but we think it’s only half an hour every
week, and even so the Maldive government has tried by hook or
crook to stop this little radio programme since it began seven
years ago. We think it is just ridiculous that the Maldive authorities
who can broadcast from their formidable array of media, since
they own TVM and have so many radio channels as they want, available
for them for almost 24 hours a day, get so crazy and upset at
one merely half-an-hour-weekly weenie programme.
officials who made representations to the Seychelles government
claimed that the Divehi language Christian programme aired
from the Seychelles was subversive. Fortunately for the
Seychelles government, there were ex-Maldivians in senior
positions of their government. It did not take long for
them to find out the truth of the Maldive delegation's claim.
So the delegation was basically told to go back home and
get a life. |
And how upset the government gets! They have been spewing venom
and bile against it, and crudely insulting and slandering the
Maldive lady who is in charge, calling her all the most horrible
names under the earth. And they have done this rude abuse during
the last seven years by means of the official Maldive radio and
TV. The Government also jammed the airwaves and blocked the radio
programme website so that it was not accessible for Maldivians.
They even sent a delegation to the Seychelles in order to stop
this half-an-hour-a-week broadcast, trying to apply diplomatic
pressure on the Seychelles government. And all this fatuous ado
for a tiny Christian radio programme in our language!
The choice of deciding what to believe is important in modern
civilized countries. Muslim propagandists like to boast about
such and such Western Christian people who have become Muslims.
In fact they gloat on such events. But few of those people care
to observe that, centuries ago, in the ‘Dark Ages’
it was forbidden in European countries to change from the traditional
religion. The people would have burned such a person at the stake,
or the inquisition would have tortured and executed the man or
woman who would have dared to become a Muslim.
Park Mosque, London, England. Opened in 1977. The Church
of England does not feel threatened. They have confidence
in their beliefs. |
Now thanks to civilized constitutions and bills of rights, as
well as secular institutions protecting their democratic choices,
Europeans have the freedom to decide whether they want to become
a Muslim or not and nobody can threaten them. It is a well-known
fact that most Muslim missionary organizations are based in European
We write to promote awareness about human rights among Maldivians;
the rights that both the government and the MDP opposition keep
denying our fellow citizens. We do not want to change anybody’s
faith. We don’t believe that anyone can do that. That is
something only God could do. But if a Muslim wants to become a
Christian or a Christian wants to be a Muslim, then anyone should
have the freedom to do so, for it is a right enshrined in the
Human Rights Charter of the United Nations.
In fact, if anyone would want to stop a Christian from becoming
a Muslim, most Christians themselves would get angry! They would
defend that person on the basis that it is a human rights issue.
1979, when Arab-trained mullahs gained power, the government-run
radio station in the Maldives broadcast an English language
Christian programme every night.
In the early 1970s a Christian evangelical ship called the
Logos visited the Maldives and school children were invited
aboard. They were given copies of the Bible.
The attitude of the more enlightened Maldive government
of the time was that such exposure of Muslims to other religions
does a great service to Islam. As Islam claims that all
other religions are false, then the best way to prove this
point is to let Muslims read the scriptures of other faiths.
By banning the Bible, perhaps the current ruling mullahs
are acknowledging that there is some truth in it. Are they
hiding something from their blind followers? |
However, while the world is evolving and becoming more civilized,
Muslims want to remain in the Dark Ages, they want to deny their
own people elemental human rights. Like in the middle Ages they
want to keep killing people for choosing a different religion
from the traditional one. In Maldives they want to keep denying
the rights of a person who chooses to follow a belief according
to his own conscience, making that person the target of insults,
social ostracism and even violence.
They don’t realize that this backward, selfish and hysterical
attitude doesn’t honor Islam and doesn’t honor them
as Muslims either.