This opinion and others linked here are contributed by a
group of Maldivians who call themselves the Society
for the Promotion of Human Rights in Maldives.
wish to remain anonymous in order to avoid being persecuted.
This web site and its editor do not have any input
into these opinions or the Society for the Promotion of
Human Rights in Maldives, other than providing a forum,
as required by Law. This opinion is published within the
context of Section 14 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights
Act 1990. We do not publish material from those who do not
provide sufficient personal information to enable us to
establish their identity. |

Mullahs officiate at MDP
meeting |
Words have lost their original meaning in
the Maldives. The main opposition party is called MDP, Maldivian
Democratic Party. But it is very hard to understand how a party
dares to call itself ‘democratic’ when its main goal
is to promote Islam.
One would think that a democratic party in the Maldives should have
begun to shift from the age-old business of sponsoring Islamic religion
by the government, to promote the rights of the Maldive individual.
That is what democracy is all about, namely to pull down freedom-stifling
theocracies and to bring about a scenario where individual rights
can be safely exercised.
But what freedom can there be in the Maldives if the obsolete feudal
politico-religious system is perpetuated?
The foundation of the present tyranny in the Maldives is a well-locked
power deal between a particular religion and a particular dominant
political group. The Islamic religion and the dictator protect each
other as efficiently as two chess pieces in the centre of the board;
it is almost impossible to attack one without having to deal with
the instant and fatal retribution the other will wreak.
This is a timeless arrangement and a very solid system, the tyrant
may change with time, but the authority of the religion remains
the same. At any rate, this is an antiquated scheme; the rights
of the individual Maldivian are totally left out of the picture.
Considering this scenario, the fact that Mullah Fareed is joining
the MDP is nothing more than a confirmation that the MDP is not
going to do anything new in Maldive politics. In spite of its flamboyant
name, the MDP is merely going to follow the archaic system of religion-preaching
politicians that has been ruling Maldivians for centuries.
The MDP has no intention of breaking with this Maldive political
system that is so comfortable for the ruler once in power. Power
may be difficult to attain in the Maldives, but once reached what
a sweet reward for the ruler to have such a well-oiled system in
place in order to keep the people’s freedoms and aspirations
conveniently stifled.
In the wake of Mullah Fareed’s astonishing
popularity, a careful and impartial observer can only say that
the length to which Maldivians are able to deceive themselves
has no limit. One wonders which reasons Maldivians could have
to consider Fareed more honest than Gayoom, when it is so obvious
that he uses his knowledge about Islam in order to portray himself
as the defender of Islam in the Maldives. This is exactly what
Gayoom has been doing for the past three decades, hardly anything
new in the Maldives.
So what is the special thing that Fareed could contribute to the
Maldive political life? What is the new thing Fareed could bring
to a new Maldive democratic society?
It is difficult to say. Fareed has copied
Gayoom’s style and perfected it. He is the pupil who has
overtaken his teacher. Now that Gayoom is having a hard time,
Fareed uses the popularity he so much basks in to undermine the
present government, claiming that he upholds the truth and that
Allah is with him. He loves to conveniently quote Allah
and Islam when it suits him and his personal purposes. Besides,
it is also obvious that Fareed takes enormous pleasure in the
flattery bestowed upon him, somewhat naïvely, by unwary Maldive
When asking any of Fareed’s admirers why they give him so
much support, the answer is usually that “he says good things”.
People like them forget (or refuse to see) that “people
saying good things”, like Fareed, brought a country like
Afghanistan to chaos, ruin, and total collapse, causing thousands
of deaths. People fail to see how their unquestionable admiration
for Islam is setting them a death-trap. Unless the role of Islam
in Maldive society is put into question, democracy in the Maldives
will be a distant unreachable mirage.
Will easy-preacher Fareed be able to deal with the anarchy he
is unleashing with his phoney, and too easy, condemnations of
the present government?
The answer is no.
Basically Fareed’s behaviour is fraught with opportunism.
He is taking full advantage of the present situation, one in which
the blunders of the old dictator have made him unpopular. And
yet at the same time Fareed is keenly aware of how Gayoom became
well-liked by Maldivians twenty-seven years ago. Using the all-too-easy
quote from the Koran here, along with the well-placed scathing
criticism of the ruler there, Mullah Fareed is climbing the Maldive
popularity ladder. This is exactly like Gayoom did to then President
Nasir almost thirty years ago when he came back from Egypt having
studied Islam.
Is that then the goal of the MDP; to replace the present Islamic
dictator by a new, younger religious tyrant?
Will the Maldives be again back to square one thirty years from
Rules of Procedure of the
Maldivian Democratic Party

3.3 (a) of the MDP Rules of Procedure states that
the Party shall endeavour to protect and preserve
the "esteemed religion of Islam" and that
the Party shall not permit any religion other than
Islam. |
In July 2005,
an academic from the United States asked the MDP the question:
been following developments in the MDP for quite some
time. I have a very simple question though, and would
appreciate a simple, straightforward answer: Does the
MDP support the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights?"
The reply to
him from Ali Hashim, the Party’s Vice Chairperson
on 20 July was:
"A straightforward simple answer
would be YES.
"However, in the forthcoming National Congress
a Party Policy will be formulated to decide on how to
adopt the articles in the Manifesto, which we believe
covers the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
These will be specific covenants and pledges in conformity
with the majority opinion of MDP members.
"Warm regards and salaams"
Section 3.3 (a) of the party's
Rules of Procedure directly contravenes Article 18 of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Either the
the Vice Chairperson was misinforming the outside world
(just like the Maldive government) or the Rules of Procedure
is wilfully deceptive.
The Maldivian Democratic Party seems to be attempting
to serve two constituencies- the the Maldive mullahs and
their narrow-minded backers on the one side and the Western
financial markets on the other. They must understand the
cliché that it is not possible to eat the cake
and have it.
The usage of the words
Maldive and Maldivian in the main article above
have been changed for consistency with the rest of the site.